Why Children Need a Quality Mattress

Children require more sleep than adults and adequate sleep is essential for growth. Depending on age, most children require 10 to 12 hours of sleep every day. This is just one of the many reasons why children need a quality mattress. Your child’s mattress should be comfortable, durable and provide adequate lumbar support; due to the amount of sleep that …

Naturelle Organic Latex

What is PURE NATURAL Latex?

Did you know that most latex today is largely synthetic or blended? Many big brand companies are masters at slick marketing but beware there is a lot of deception in the latex mattress industry. These companies can call it organic or natural latex even if there is as little as 10% natural latex in the mattress, whilst the rest is …

The Truth About Latex

I understand how confusing buying a mattress can be. There are times when I want to pull out what little I have left of my hair at the outrageous claims made by suppliers and retailers of “natural” mattresses. Some may be in ignorance, but most are the result of unscrupulous and deceptive information fed to an unassuming public. In reality, …