How to Choose the Best Baby Cot Mattress

All parents want the best for their newborns, especially when it comes to sleep. That’s why choosing the right baby cot mattress is so important. With the right mattress, you improve the chance that both you and your baby will get a good night’s rest. 

According to NHS Inform (2021), the safest place for a baby to sleep is in their own cot in the same room as the person caring for them. In fact, studies by the American Academy of Pediatrics have illustrated that babies wake up more often and get less sleep when they’re not in their own crib. 

Baby sleeping on a baby cot mattress

How to Help Your Baby Sleep

All babies differ, but it is generally recommended that sleep training begins between 3 and 6 months. To assist with the transition of sleeping alone in a cot, the bedroom should be an inviting sleep environment for your baby.

By creating a calming and comfortable sleep sanctuary for your baby, you help to establish the association that sleep comes quickly and naturally.

When it comes to your baby’s surroundings, less is more. Too many distractions (including toys, mobiles and excessive decor) can cause overstimulation. To create a soothing environment, consider removing things that may bother or distract your baby. 

Avoid overheating your baby with too many layers. Additionally, the bedroom temperature should be 20 – 22 degrees.

Mom holding her baby next to a baby cot mattress.

Babies are very sensitive to changes in light and sounds. Although sound is difficult to control; getting your baby used to a small amount of background noise is beneficial as it will help you to go about your normal routine while your baby sleeps. Blackout curtains can reduce light and excessive noise.

Why Your Baby Needs a Quality Mattress

Sleep does wonders for baby’s physical growth and brain development. Several factors influence sleep, but one aspect that you do have control over is your baby’s mattress.

A high-quality baby cot mattress will:

  • Keep baby’s spine and bones aligned while providing cushioning for your child’s developing body.
  • Support baby’s sleeping position and the positioning of their airways. This is essential as the position of the airways influences baby’s breathing patterns and their ability to sleep easily.
  • Reduce rolling and fidgeting, helping to relax and soothe baby so that they can sleep more soundly.  
How to choose the best mattress for your baby

How to Choose the Best Mattress for Your Baby

Mattress Firmness:

A soft mattress is a safety hazard because it can bend as baby moves, creating spaces where baby can become stuck. A firm mattress reduces the risk of baby becoming stuck in positions that can potentially cause obstruction to the airways.

A firm flat surface promotes the development and fusion of baby’s bones by supporting their alignment when sleeping. 

Mattress Size:

Your baby’s mattress should fit snugly in the cot. There shouldn’t be more than a 2cm spacing between the edge of the mattress and the frame of the cot. The fit of the mattress in the cot is essential for safeguarding against potential spaces where baby can get stuck

Mattress Breathability:

Air must pass through the permeable sleep surface of a mattress to be breathable. 

A breathable mattress helps keep your baby’s body temperature in check and reduces trapped heat; this prevents your baby from sweating, resulting in more comfortable sleep. 

A breathable mattress allows for improved airflow and reduces the risk of re-breathing.

Mattress Hypoallergenic Properties:

Allergies are one of the most common health issues affecting children. In fact, children under the age of four are most likely to suffer from skin allergies (AAFA, 2021).

Babies have extremely sensitive skin. It’s important to be aware of the materials and substances that your baby is exposed to. Allergic reactions not only negatively impact baby’s quality of sleep; they can also have serious consequences on your little one’s health and wellbeing. 

A hypoallergenic mattress deters dust mites and other allergens. Dust mites are a typical trigger for asthma, eczema, and allergic rhinitis. A reaction to dust mites can cause sneezing, itching, watery eyes, a runny or stuffy nose, coughing or wheezing. 

Naturelle’s mattresses are hypoallergenic because they are made with pure wool. Pure wool helps to reduce baby’s risk of exposure to dust mites, as wool is a natural fibre that has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Wool is also naturally flame retardant, providing an additional level of safety.

Mattress Certifications:

Our organic certifications give you peace of mind. Above all, our certifications provide assurance that our mattresses are free from harsh chemicals and industrial components that could cause hazardous gas emissions or allergic reactions.

Naturelle’s Certifications:

Naturelle’s baby cot mattresses are an excellent option for environmentally conscious parents. Our mattresses carry the following important certifications:

Naturelle baby cot mattress properties.

Naturelle’s mattresses are covered with entirely natural fabric that is composed of cotton, bamboo, viscose and eucalyptus fibres. The moisture-wicking properties of wool regulate temperature to give your baby a perfectly dry and comfortable rest.

Let your baby succumb to nature’s most wonderful gift when you put them to rest on this unique fabric into which we quilt layers of Merino and British Shetland sheep’s wool. Shop online today


No matter what mattress you choose for your baby, please make sure to follow safe sleep guidelines to reduce your baby’s risk of SIDS.


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2017). “Mother-Infant Room-Sharing and Sleep Outcomes in the INSIGHT Study”. Available from:<>. [Accessed March 2022].

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. (2021). “Allergy Facts and Figures”. Available from: <>. [Accessed March 2022].

NHS Inform (2021). “Ready Steady Baby!” Available from: <>. [Accessed March 2022].