The Global Shift to Natural Products

Why Natural Materials Matter for Health and Sleep Quality

The global shift to natural products is becoming more prominent as people worldwide recognise the benefits of choosing healthier, eco-friendly alternatives. This reflects a broader trend towards sustainability in all aspects of life, with many individuals willing to invest in eco-friendly products that promote a healthier lifestyle and environment.

Simply by making better choices, people are reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins commonly found in conventional items.

Woman doing yoga in bed

This trend is especially significant in the sleep industry, where natural materials like organic latex and pure wool are replacing synthetic bedding products like memory foam and hollow fibre.

This shift is about more than just sustainability; it’s rooted in a growing awareness of the impact that our everyday choices have on health and well-being.

At Naturelle, we’re proud to be at the forefront of this movement, offering 100% natural sleep solutions that promote healthier, more restorative sleep without any synthetic materials.

Why the Global Shift Towards Natural Products?

Over the last 20 years, there has been a noticeable shift towards more health-conscious living. This change is driven by several factors, including increased access to information, scientific research on the dangers of harmful chemicals, and growing concerns about the environment.

Increased Awareness of Health Risks: 

As more research surfaces about the long-term effects of exposure to synthetic chemicals, people are becoming more careful about what they bring into their homes.

Studies have linked materials commonly used in conventional bedding – like polyurethane foam and chemical flame retardants – to respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems.

These concerns have led to a demand for safer, chemical-free alternatives, driving the popularity of natural products.

The Rise of Allergies and Sensitivities: 

Over the past two decades, the prevalence of allergies and sensitivities has increased globally. Experts estimate that up to 40% of the world’s population now suffers from some form of allergic disease ( 2022). This rise has prompted a closer examination of everyday products, particularly those used in sleep environments, which are directly in contact with the skin for long hours each night. 

Woman holding a pure wool duvet ver her shoulders

As a result, hypoallergenic, natural materials like organic latex and wool have become more attractive to consumers seeking relief from allergies and skin conditions.

The Growth of Wellness Culture: 

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on self-care and overall well-being. As part of this wellness movement, people are becoming more conscious of how their sleep environment affects their mental and physical health. 

The desire to lead healthier lifestyles fuels the trend toward natural products, and for many, it starts with better sleep. As a pillar of health, sleep plays a crucial role, and natural bedding supports healthier sleep patterns with its breathable, hypoallergenic properties, and the ability to regulate body temperature, ensuring a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Environmental Concerns: 

Alongside health awareness, there’s been a rising concern for the environment. As the effects of climate change become more apparent, people are seeking out eco-friendly products that minimise harm to the planet. 

Pillows scattered across a bed

Natural products, such as those made from organic latex and wool, are sustainable and biodegradable, aligning with the values of eco-conscious consumers. This shift is part of a broader movement toward more responsible consumption, with people opting for products that have a lower environmental impact.

Why Natural Materials Are Better for Your Health

Natural materials like organic latex and pure wool offer significant health benefits, especially compared to synthetic alternatives. Conventional bedding materials often contain chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can off-gas into your home and cause health issues such as headaches, nausea, and respiratory problems. This is particularly concerning for those with allergies or sensitivities.

Woman standing by an open bedroom window

Organic latex, derived from rubber tree sap, is completely free from these harmful chemicals. It is hypoallergenic and naturally resistant to dust mites, mould, and mildew, which are common allergens.

In South Africa, where an estimated 30% of the population suffers from allergies, switching to natural bedding can greatly improve sleep quality and overall health.

Pure wool, another key material in Naturelle’s products, has natural moisture-wicking properties and helps regulate body temperature. This makes it ideal for individuals with skin sensitivities, as it keeps the skin dry and reduces the chance of irritation. Wool is also known for its breathability, keeping your sleep environment cool in summer and warm in winter, thus promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

How Natural Materials Improve Sleep Quality

The materials you sleep on can significantly affect the quality of your sleep. Synthetic bedding often traps heat, leading to night sweats and discomfort, which can disturb your sleep. In contrast, natural materials like organic latex and wool work in harmony with your body, providing a more comfortable and supportive sleep experience.

Young child sleeping on a white pillow

Organic latex, for example, is highly responsive to your body’s shape, offering exceptional support for your spine and joints. This reduces the likelihood of waking up with aches and pains. Studies have shown that 83% of people experience improved sleep quality and less back pain after switching to mattresses with orthopaedic properties, like those made from natural latex.

Wool also plays a key role in sleep quality. Because it naturally regulates temperature, it keeps you in the ideal sleep zone all night, preventing overheating or feeling too cold. Research shows that sleeping in a cool environment enhances sleep efficiency, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. For more information about the benefits of wool, refer to our post: Why Choose Wool.

Why Naturelle Only Uses 100% Natural Materials

At Naturelle, we believe that the best way to care for your health is by offering products that are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic materials. 

That’s why all our mattresses, pillows, and bedding products are made from 100% organic latex and pure wool – nothing else. By using only natural materials, we ensure that our products are not only healthier for you but also better for the planet.

Mom reading to her daughter in bed

Our latex is sustainably harvested from rubber trees without the use of pesticides or harmful chemicals. It’s naturally durable and resilient, meaning it will maintain its shape and comfort for decades. Our wool is ethically sourced and produced with care, providing a comfortable, temperature-regulating sleep experience. Together, these materials create a healthier sleep environment, free from the risks associated with synthetics.

The Durability and Value of Natural Products

In addition to health and environmental benefits, natural products like organic latex and wool are incredibly durable. Synthetic mattresses often lose their shape and support after just a few years of use, whereas organic latex mattresses can last over 25 years without sagging or breaking down.

This durability means that natural products offer long-term value, reducing the need for frequent replacements and contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle.

When you invest in a Naturelle product, you’re making a choice that benefits both your health and the planet. Our natural materials are designed to stand the test of time, providing you with comfort and support for decades.

Mom and daugter under a pure wool duvet

Ethical and Environmental Benefits of Natural Products

The desire for ethical and environmentally responsible choices is driving the shift toward natural products. As consumers learn more about how products are made, they increasingly support brands that prioritise sustainability and ethical production. At Naturelle, we embrace this responsibility, carefully crafting our products to benefit both people and the planet.

Our commitment to using 100% natural materials not only benefits your health but also reduces the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes. Organic latex and wool are biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally without contributing to landfill waste or pollution.

Embrace Healthier Living with Natural Products

The global shift to natural products is about much more than following a trend—it’s a movement toward healthier, more conscious living. People are choosing natural materials like organic latex and pure wool because they offer better health benefits, improved sleep quality, and greater sustainability. At Naturelle, we’re proud to be part of this global movement, offering 100% natural sleep solutions that help you lead a healthier, more comfortable life.

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Now is the time to embrace the power of natural products. By making this shift, you’re not only improving your well-being but also contributing to a healthier planet for future generations.


Global Allergy & Airways Patient Platform. 2022. What is an Allergy? Available from: <>. [Accessed September 2024].

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Health Effects Notebook for Hazardous Air Pollutants. Available from: [Accessed September 2024].